IESO Wind Tracker

The IESO, Independent Electricity System Operator, is mandated with managing the demand and supply of Ontario’s open electricity market. Their site has an impressive amount of historical and real time data. For example, if you want to see what the current makeup of electricity feeding into the grid is right now, they can show you with a nice little pie chart on their homepage. Another is the IESO Wind Power Map which shows the current wind energy being supplied onto the grid.

Ontario Green Energy Act

If you live in Ontario then I highly encourage you to check out  Green Energy Act and sign the petition.  The Ontario government is supposed to bring forward a new Energy Act later this month.  The hope is that the act will contain provisions for a much needed  transition of the electricity gird to support more renewable energy production at the local community level.  The act and subsequent follow through could help catapult Ontario to the forefront of green energy in North America.  We have a lot of catching up todo to countries in Europe but this could be a great first step.

Bullfrog Power: Best company ever?

I got a email today from our electricity provider Bullfrog Power letting us know that our locked in rate with them was going down because of lower costs. Are they insane? This is no way to treat customers! They may tell friends!


Bullfrog Power is an electricity retailer in Ontario and Alberta that sources 100% renewable (wind and small scale hydro) power that you can sign up to receive. It costs you a few cents more per kWh on your bill but you can offset that by making a few energy improvements around your house. Overall it cost us about $100 more a year to have Bullfrog Power.

So do yourself and the environment a favour and sign up today!

By the way these sorts of emails will get your company a permanent link at the bottom of the site, Bell Canada I hope you take notice!

Bullfrog Power Logo